A young man smiling as he prepares his meal.


It is easy to be confused by all the information out there on weight loss and nutrition. Our Omaha coaches will help you make sense of it all. We help you find the most optimal prescription and effective way to get off the diet roller coaster and lose the weight for good! All without a drastic medical treatment, prescription drugs, injection, surgery, or expensive clinic. Our coaches are excited to partner with you during your health and fitness journey. The benefits of having a Certified Nutrition and Weight Loss Coach at FitFarm include:

  • Quicker and Maintable Results: Learn how to set the right goals and create lasting, healthy habits that will support those goals.
  • No More Plateaus: Our coaches will help you learn what to eat, how to eat, and why you eat.
  • Individualized Approach: No two people are the same. Everyone's weight loss and nutrition journey will be different.
  • Focus on Creating Consistency NOT Perfection.
  • Build a healthy relationship with food and yourself: Get rid of obsessive thoughts and guilt about food and weight loss.
  • Be able to look in the mirror and love what you see: Our coaches will help you learn what to eat, how to eat, and why you eat.
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A happy couple preparing their meal together.

Weight Loss Programs

Free Consultation

Begin your Weight Loss Omaha and Nutrition Program with a free consultation with one of our Certified Nutrition Coaches. During a consultation we will discuss your goals, your level of motivation and commitment to losing weight and improving your nutrition. We will work together to assess your current goals, needs, and struggles with weight loss and nutrition. We will discuss and determine if our program is the right fit for you.

Three Steps to Achieve your Goals

  • Contact Us
  • Schedule your Free Consultation.
  • Lose Weight, Reach your Goals, and Feel Great!
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A grandmother and granddaughter preparing their meal.

In Person or Online

No Matter your Location, you can work with us!

  • Group Challenges
  • 12-Week Mind and Body Reset Program
  • Individual Weight loss and Nutrition Coaching

Do you want to:

Lose weight and keep it off? Stop feeling restricted and under fed? Improve your performance? Increase your energy? Get off the food guilt roller coaster? Stop feeling restricted? Understand how to fuel your body? Improve your sleep? Have more confidence and love who you are? All while avoiding a drastic medical treatment, prescription drugs, injection, surgery, or expensive clinic?

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A group of friends sitting around a table eating.

A Healthy Example

Your nutrition prescription is easy to follow. You will learn how to build quality meals and snacks. Meals and snacks will include protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat you need to fuel your body and optimize your long term success.

How to plan meals and snacks for success

Divide your plate into sections. Fill one half of your plate with plants such as vegetables and fruits. One fourth with quality protein, and the last fourth with complex carbohydrates. Also include a small, thumb-size serving of fat.

How to plan meals and snacks for success

  • 1-2 cupped hand of veggies
  • 1 piece of fruit
  • 1-2 palm size of protein
  • 1 fist size of complex carbs
  • Try our recipies for a healthier and tastier diet.
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Do I Need to See a Specialist for a Medical Prescription Weight Loss Treatment Plan?

No, You can become healthier naturally

Many people feel natural weight loss efforts are hopeless and seek physician prescribed treatment, surgery, and drugs. They have been restricted for too long. They haven't addressed their relationship with food and their mental and emotional triggers.

Most people can lose weight if they focus on three steps.

  • Creating sustainable habits
  • Building a healthy relationship with food and self.
  • Understanding not only what to eat but how to eat and what motivates you to eat.
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